Double Champs! Golden and Lady Eagles Cross Country TeamS Win BACSAC Championship; Senior Kyle Wu named League MVP


OAKLAND, CA - Congrats to Coach Jard Davis and the AIMS HS Golden and Lady Eagles Cross Country teams on both winning the 2020-21 BACSAC Varsity Cross Country Championships. The final results from Saturday’s championship can be seen here.

For the Golden Eagles, this win marks their third consecutive championship and the Lady Eagles' ‘herstoric’ first. Senior Kyle Wu was named as the BACSAC league MVP for placing first overall in the Boys Championship.

BACSAC Boys Cross Country MVP Kyle Wu (Center Left) poses with Seniors Kevin Xia-Zhu (L), Parneet Virk (Center Right), and Eric Huang (Right) as they celebrate their double championships and the likely close of the their high school athletic careers.

BACSAC Boys Cross Country MVP Kyle Wu (Center Left) poses with Seniors Kevin Xia-Zhu (L), Parneet Virk (Center Right), and Eric Huang (Right) as they celebrate their double championships and the likely close of the their high school athletic careers.

These wins mark the 5th and 6th Championships for AIMS HS, which includes the first women’s championship for AIMS. Coach Davis’s Cross Country teams are responsible for 4 of AIMS HS’s Varsity Championships.

”This past season has presented unprecedented challenges which presented in ways that required increased mental fortitude and intrinsic motivation for our team to succeed,” remarked Coach Davis after Saturday’s victory.

“Without exception, every returning member witnessed their fitness and speed decline from the last season and have contended with the most abbreviated training season to date. In spite of these circumstances, our athletes rose to the challenge and dug deep from inside to again seize victory. I continue to be inspired and motivated by our team. It is my hope that we all relish in this challenge, keep the momentum going, and use this humbling come-back as fuel to return stronger and faster than before.”

Both the Golden and Lady Eagles Soccer teams will have an opportunity to add to the school’s championship collection during their condensed soccer seasons that are slated to take place this week.